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Five Best Diets for Men at Every Age

Five Best Diets for Men at Every Age

1. Health & Fitness – Information Galore!

Health and fitness are hot topics. After all, the healthcare and fitness industry is a “trillion-dollar industry in the making,” wrote Jack Perkowski - the author of Managing the Dragon and Beijing-based founder of JFP Holdings - in an article for Forbes.

When it comes to health, almost everyone has something to say. While some people offer health advice, based on research and scientific facts, others like to provide off-the-cuff information.

Needless to say, information tends to be thrown at us from all directions. Overwhelming, isn’t it? It can be discouraging having to research a health and fitness plan because finding that one effective diet to help you meet your fitness goals seems impossible.

2. Diet Culture – Does It Work?

Talking about health and fitness without touching on “diet culture” is a crime. After all, the most significant fitness indicator is the lean build you gain by following a diet fervently. However, diets don’t only improve your appearance. A healthy diet can enhance your living standards by mitigating the risks of health conditions.

So, we can safely say that diets work!

3. Diets & Gender Division

A common opinion is that most diets are “female-centric.” It is widely assumed that women are more conscious of their health and diet compared to men.

However, this notion is being quashed as fitness consciousness in males is also on the rise. The key is to find a diet that works best for the individual.

4. Age Barrier

Even if you find a diet that is sustainable, easy to follow, and gives you the desired results, old age often tends to defeat progress.

This read aims to reveal the secrets of the best-known diets so that you can create a diet that will help you maintain your fitness no matter how old you are.

5. Attributes of a Healthy Diet Plan

A healthy diet that can meet the needs of men of all ages has the following attributes:


A diet that is balanced and provides all the essential nutrients in the correct proportions is crucial. A diet that does not cover your basic nutritional needs will cause deficiency-related health issues.

Simple & Effortless

Starting something is usually easy but sticking to it is not. Remember, consistency is the key here.

It is better to take up a diet plan that you can easily follow. Don’t follow over-ambitious, complex routines that will overwhelm you.


This point is in sync with the one mentioned above. We want big results fast. However, you need to be patient. You might not see a difference in the mirror the first week into your diet. Trust the process, you will eventually get there.


We all have our reasons to diet. Identify yours. Perhaps you are obese and want to lose weightor you are underweight and want to put on a few pounds. Sometimes overcoming the symptoms of an underlying medical condition can be the motivation. Therefore, know your reason before you embark on a diet venture!


When we say the word diet, the first thing that comes to mind is boring, healthy food. Right? Well, the truth is far from it. Yes, you would have to give up the junk, but your diet food can be flavourful. Use nutrition-packed condiments so that you enjoy the dieting process.

Plus, spices and condiments are full of antioxidants and bioactive chemicals that reduce cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, boost immunity, and slow down the aging process. If you ask me, it’s a win-win!

6. Best Diets Are Here

For your convenience, here are the five best diets for all ages that you can start with.

6.1. Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet

This eating pattern entails consuming nutrition-rich foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, and an emphasis on healthy fats such as olive oil. The diet is more plant-based, with only a small portion of animal protein, preferably seafood.

Research by the Harvard School of Public Health has shown that the Mediterranean diet has helped reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The diet is also linked with a slow aging process by combating stress levels.

6.2. Weight-loss Diet

The weight loss diet has two patterns:

a) Intermittent Fasting:

Intermittent Fasting

In this method, the aim is to restrict yourself to eating at certain times of the day to decrease your calorie intake.

It is recommended that you consult a doctor before starting this diet. The John Hopkins Medical Center claims that an intermittent diet pattern protects organs from different degenerative diseases and helps with fat loss while muscle mass is maintained.

Furthermore, improved memory, blood pressure, and heart health are also observed.

b) Weight Watchers’ Diet

The Weight Watchers’ Diet (WW) focuses on healthy living and promotes good eating habits. This diet involves eating lean proteins and cutting down on simple carbs. According to the nutritional value, different foods are assigned a certain number, and participants are given a specific budget of points.

You can eat any food of your choice, granted you don’t exceed the points assigned to you.

6.3. The Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, and meat, while the whole grains, dairy, and processed sugar come in small amounts. It is essentially designed to promote muscle growth. Being high in protein, this diet helps increase muscle mass, decreases overall body fat, and promotes weight loss.

6.4. Plant-Based Diet

Plant-Based Diet

To follow a plant-based diet, you don’t have to cut out meat and dairy completely, contrary to popular belief. A plant-based diet is often confused with a vegan diet in which all animal products are eliminated.

Though the primary focus of a plant-based diet is to consume edibles that come from plants, you can incorporate animal products occasionally.

Since a plant-based diet is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and nutrients, it has been shown to slow down aging, improve gut health and cognitive functions, and help you maintain a healthy weight.

7. DASH Diet – Eat for a Lower Blood Pressure!

DASH Diet – Eat for a Lower  Blood Pressure!

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, men are at a higher risk of hypertension. Hence, it would not be wrong to conclude that the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Hypertension) is a suitable eating plan designed specifically for men.

The DASH diet is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium – nutrients that help reduce sodium levels. This helps control lower your blood pressure for up to two weeks.

Although there are no dietary restrictions, it is recommended you avoid saturated fat and sodium-rich foods. Initially, adjusting to a DASH diet can be a struggle for the taste buds. However, its proven benefits against hypertension make it a preferred way of eating for men prone to high blood pressure.

8. Make the Most of Your Diet!

Make the Most of Your Diet!

A diet is only effective when followed while doing other healthy habits such as:

  • Exercise
  • Get enough sleep
  • Hydrate yourself throughout the day.
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit your caffeine intake
  • Check your alcohol consumption.

9. Conclusion

Diets can only do so much. It is important that, along with a healthy and sustainable diet, you adopt a lifestyle that suits your nutrition goals. Also, consulting your doctor or dietician before you adopt a diet plan is of utmost importance in achieving your goals and improving your overall health.

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