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5 Best Types of Running for Weight Loss

5 Best Types of Running for Weight Loss

1. Running for Weight Loss

Running can have a significant impact on your weight. There are numerous health benefits connected with running, which range from improved self-esteem to improved cardiovascular health and fitness. The journal of the American College of Cardiology published a long-term study on 55,137 people, which found that runners had a 30% lower risk of death from any diseases and a 45% lower chance of death from cardiovascular disease than those who do not run over the course of the 15-year study.

Running is a great way to burn calories within a short time. The number of calories you burn while running depends on your body size, weight, and the intensity and length of your run. Plan your schedule ahead of time and stick to it consistently.

Don’t stress about the intensity or pace of your run, instead concentrate on tracking the number of miles you run on a weekly basis.

2. How to Use Running for Weight Loss

Whether you're completely new to running or resuming after a break, it is important to start out slowly and build up your stamina gradually to avoid injury. Here are a few tips to start you off.

  • Before you start running, it is important to warm up. For the first 5-10 minutes, walk or jog at a moderate pace before increasing your effort. You might also want to incorporate warm-up activities, such as dynamic stretches or sprints into your routine. Take slow and careful steps to keep your body healthy and free of any potential injuries.
  • If you want to lose weight, you should avoid doing the same workouts over and over everyday.

According to Sandra Gallagher Moheler, CEO, and coach at iRunTons, exercising only steady-state cardio will not result in the development of the essential muscle mass necessary to boost your metabolism.

According to Moheler,
"A combination of extremely easy runs on some days, quicker tempo runs on others, and intervals on the days in between is the best approach to build muscle and burn calories."

  • You can begin a routine by mixing running and walking. For many new runners, this is the most convenient way to improve endurance while putting minimum stress on the joints and maintaining a sustainable level of intensity.
  • Make sure you follow all running safety guidelines.

3. Calorie Burned Per Mile

According to statistics from the National Weight Control Registry, people who successfully lose and maintain weight burn approximately 2,800 calories every week doing regular exercises. An average of 100 calories burned per mile is about 28 miles of running every week.

  • One pound of weight is equal to 3,500 calories. To lose one pound a week, you'll need to burn between 500 to 1,000 more calories per day than you consume on a daily basis.
  •  For every mile you run, you burn approximately 100 calories or 10 calories per minute/per mile.

According to a study provided by the American Council on Exercise,

“A 120-pound individual burns around 11.4 calories per minute. So if the person runs a mile in 10 minutes, they will burn 114 calories. If the person weighs 180 pounds, the calorie burn will increase to 17 calories per minute. The 180-pound runner will burn 170 calories approximately in 10 minutes.”

4. Types of Running - Weight Loss

For people learning how to run as a form of weight loss, you may not be aware of different types of running exercises and which ones you should perform.

4.1. Interval Running

Workouts that include repeated shorter intervals of quick running that are followed by gradual running or standing recoveries are known as interval workouts. Runners benefit from this structure because it allows them to get more running done in a single exercise than they would be capable of doing in a single exhausting exercise.

  • Warm-up for five minutes
  • Sprint for 30-40 seconds at maximum exertion, followed by 2-3 minutes of recovery.
  • Reps: Four
  • Sprint for 10 seconds at maximum exertion, followed by 40 seconds of running/jogging.
  • Reps: Six
  • Perform the workout three times per week
  • A 20-minute interval session burns around 150-400 calories

4.2. Long Run

A long run is typically defined as a basic run that lasts long enough for a runner to get moderately tired. The purpose of a long run is to improve your stamina. The distance or time required to accomplish this impact is determined by your current level of endurance. Your longest run should be long enough that your physical endurance will not negatively affect your performance during a competition. It is possible to do many different variations of a long run, such as increasing the pace from start to the end or mixing intervals into the routine.

Introduce one of the lactate threshold (maximum effort or intensity) workouts each week to help you burn more calories and improve your performance. The speed should be approximately 10 to 15 seconds per mile slower than a 5k race pace or approximately a 10-K race pace for slower sports runners. For those who are more highly trained, the pace is approximately 20 to 25 seconds per mile slower than a 5k pace or about 15-20 seconds per mile slower than a 10k race pace.

  • Warm-up for 5-10 minutes
  • Start by 3-4 miles at a natural pace.
  • Increase the mileage by 10% every week.

4.3. Fartlek Running

In a fartlek workout, you start with a long run before alternating between intervals of increasing duration or distance. When done early in your training cycle, it is an excellent way to start developing efficiency resistance at faster speeds. While doing it later in your training cycle, it is an excellent way to get a moderate amount of fast running done along with the higher-intensity of tempo/threshold and interval workouts. These workouts can also be used as a less structured alternative to regular interval workouts.

  • Start by doing a 5-10 minutes warm-up
  • If you are a beginner, run fast for 5-7 minutes
  • Recover for 2-3 minutes
  • Rep: Three
  • Gradually increase the speed and distance
  • Run fast for 10-15 minutes
  • Recover for 3-4 minutes
  • Reps: Two

4.4. Progression Running

Progression running is a run that starts at a runner’s average pace and concludes with a quicker stretch that can be anywhere from a 5-10 k pace. Progression runs are often meant to be fairly challenging, harder than base runs but easier than most threshold and interval runs. As a result of the workout’s moderate intensity, recovery time is shorter compared to more intense workouts.

  • If you are a beginner, start running two miles at an average pace
  • Run half a mile at a faster pace
  • Increase the mileage gradually
  • Run 3-4 miles at an average pace
  • Run one mile at a faster pace

4.5. Recovery Running

Running at a slow and easy pace during a recovery run is ideal. Recovery runs enhance training by having them travel a few extra miles without straining their muscles and negatively affecting their performance in the following workouts. It is recommended hlj perform recovery runs immediately after a strenuous workout like an interval session. Recovery runs should be completed as slowly as possible to remain somehow comfortable despite the fatigue from your last run.

  • The recovery should be 50 to 100% of your workout.
  • Repeat 800 meter runs that last about three minutes
  • You should rest from 90 seconds to three minutes.

5. Running for Weight Loss FAQ’s

5.1. Does running work for losing weight?

Running is one of the frequent exercises that can l help you lose weight. Running helps you lose calories long after a workout is over. You only require a good pair of shoes to be ready to go. Set up a routine, follow it consistently, and don’t give up.

5.2. Is it safe to run everyday to lose weight?

The World Health Organization has stated,

“Adults should aim for between 150 and 300 minutes of exercise per week. Which means that running for 30 minutes five times a week can help you with your weight loss.”

Taking a break is mandatory for your body to recover.

5.3. Can you lose weight by running 5K three times a week?

If you want to lose weight, you must develop a calorie deficit in your diet. It doesn't matter how many hours you put into an exercise; if you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain the fat you lost rather than lose weight.

Consuming less calories and maintaining an active lifestyle are ways to accomplish this. In light of the foregoing, it is possible to lose weight by running 5k at least three times per week if you wish to achieve a calorie deficit.

5.4. Is it good to run five km everyday to lose fat?

Running a distance of five k or 3.2 mi, on a daily basis can help you lose weight because you are burning more calories than you normally consume.

5.5. Is running for 20 minutes a day effective for weight loss?

Running 20 minutes everyday can help you lose weight. You can expect to burn 100 calories every day depending on your weight, pace, speed, and diet.

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