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9 Types of Running and Why You Need Them

9 Types of Running and Why You Need Them

1. Overview

When you start running, it is possible that you may not give much thought to the type of training you will do, besides simply getting out of the house a couple of times per week. The most important thing to remember is to avoid running so intensely that it becomes a burden. To learn how to develop a steady running routine and ensure that you do not do highly intense exercises too early, you have to know the following tips to make your running easy and enjoyable.

Once you understand the basics of running and how you can start at a safe pace, you can't just keep running the same distances at the same level of effort over and over again. For better results, you have to mix up the types of the runs you perform to improve your running speed, strength, distance, and the intensity of your runs.

2. Types of Running

2.1. Interval Run

You perform interval running by running fast, recover by running slowly, and repeat the process a few times. Interval or speed sessions are a key element of a runner's weekly routine. The benefits of interval running depend on how you structure them.

  • Short Intervals
  • Middle Distance Intervals
  • Long Distance Intervals

These three types will increase your stamina, endurance, and fitness, helping you to maintain speed for longer periods and at a consistent pace.

Short Intervals

These are short sprinting intervals, ranging from 100 to 400 meters, that will help you improve your strength and speed.

Middle Distance Intervals

Middle distance intervals are between 600 and 1,200 meters which can help you improve aerobic fitness, lactate threshold, and high ductility, all of which help you to run faster over extended periods without getting exhausted.

Long Distance Intervals

Long intervals are between 1,600 and 3,000 meters. You won't be able to maintain full speed for this time, and even 70% effort will be difficult to maintain. Instead, make sure you're always mixing in short and middle distance intervals. It will help you improve your overall stamina and lactic threshold, both of which are important for fitness.

2.2. Base Run

Base running is a run at a comfortable speed and pace to improve aerobic fitness, stamina, and running economy. Rather than being a hard run, it is intended to be done on a regular basis and has a short to moderate length. Base runs tend to cover the distances you complete every week and they'll help you improve your physical endurance. Base runs should be completed at a moderate, conversational speed, with your heart rate being between 60 and 75% of your maximum.

2.3. Sprint Run

Sprint running occur over shorter distances at an above average speed with several repetitions throughout the session. Sprint training is absolutely necessary if you want to improve your overall speed. It increases your strength and power, allowing you to run faster. Sprinting also provides a more efficient workout and increases your metabolism when compared to other types of cardiovascular exercises (30-minute elliptical trainer sessions).

2.4. Progression Run

You start out slowly and gradually increase speed throughout the extent of your run, meaning you finish at a faster pace than when you started. Run at your normal pace for the first half of the run, then increase to a faster pace. Progression running is moderately more demanding than other exercises because it requires more recovery time than interval and tempo runs. Your ultimate running speed is dependent on your training; you may work up to a marathon pace or finish at a high intensity pace, similar to what you would do for a threshold or interval run.

2.5. Tempo Run

Tempo running refers to running at a relatively tough pace. A tempo run is normally between 20 to 30 minutes in length. Tempo runs are also known as threshold runs or anaerobic runs, designed to train you to run faster and for longer distances without experiencing sudden exhaustion. As you increase your speed and distance, you will ultimately reach your anaerobic threshold, a point where your body will no longer be able to provide enough oxygen to your muscles to maintain your exercise and increases lactic acid in your blood circulation.

2.6. Fartlek Run

In a fartlek workout, you start with a long run and then alternate between intervals of different durations or distances. When done early in the training cycle, it is an excellent way to start improving performance and fatigue resistance at faster paces. When done later in the training cycle, it is an excellent way to complete a moderate amount of fast running. For example, you challenge yourself to run faster until you reach a specific distance. The only rule for these workouts is that you should enjoy yourself while doing them.

2.7. Hill Repeats

Hill repetitions are repeated stretches of short yet intense uphill runs. They boost aerobic capacity, high intensity fatigue resistance, pain threshold, and muscles used in running. Running hill repeats on a sustained, moderate gradient of 5-6% is the best way to go. You should start at the bottom of the hill and run up to your intended destination at the top as fast as you can while keeping your balance. Return to your starting location and repeat the process.

2.8. Long Run

When you are going for a long run, your primary goal is to increase the distance you can cover over the course of several sessions. Long runs boost your stamina which will not make you feel as tired when running at long distances. During long runs, you are not required to run harder than your average speed, but if you want to push yourself, you can raise your pace or mix in more intervals.

2.9. Recovery Run

A recovery run is a short distance run done at a comfortable pace. Recovery runs help runners add extra miles to their daily routine without negatively affecting their performance before and after completing exercises. Recovery runs are best performed after doing a tough workout, such as interval training. Recovery runs should be completed as slowly as possible to remain comfortable despite being tired from your last run.

3. Tips for Running

Before you start running, make sure to do the following:

  • You warm up properly. Start slow and increase your speed gradually.
  • Your body needs energy to run. Consume a well balanced nutritional diet.
  • Drink 8-16 ounces of water every day.
  • Pick shoes with breathable cotton material and a size that fits properly to prevent injury.
  • Get eight hours of sleep.

4. FAQ’S

4.1. What type of running plan should a beginner follow?

  • Warm up for 5-10 minutes before you start and cool down for 5-10 minutes after completing your run.
  • Start by running short-moderate distances.
  • Run at least three days a week.
  • Take a mandatory break for recovery.
  • Increase the pace and distance weekly by 10%

4.2. What is a good way to do interval training with running?

  • Warm up for 5-10 minutes by jogging
  • Run for 20-30 seconds at 75% intensity, then 30 seconds at 25% intensity.
  • Run three times a week.
  • Increase the intensity gradually.

4.3. How to run faster without exercise?

  • Start with a short-moderate speed and distance.
  • Stretch every day.
  • Practice different types of runs.
  • Gradually increase the intensity

4.4. Can you build muscles by running?

Running surely builds muscles, but you have to push yourself harder when doing a variety of runs at different speeds and intensities. Also, pay attention to your protein and carbohydrate intake.

4.5. Which one is healthier, interval running or stable jogging?

Interval running offers a variety of slow, moderate, and fast running intervals. The more you increase the intensity of your runs at a higher speed, the more your aerobic capacity and overall physical fitness will improve.

5. Takeaway

While running is a popular weight loss exercise, you need to combine different running methods to boost your metabolism and get your desired results. From sprints, long runs, interval running, to fartlek method and hill repeats. Use this article to create a running plan best suited to your individual weight loss goals. 

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