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Best Belly Fat Exercises: The Ultimate Workouts for 2022!

Best Belly Fat Exercises: The Ultimate Workouts for 2022!

This post will provide you with all the details you need to know about the most effective exercises that aim to burn belly fat as soon as possible.

Right off the bat, there’s no shortcut to losing belly fat. Ideas like spot reduction are impossible fantasies because they don’t work.

Even if you try to work hard on nothing but your core, you won’t be losing your waistline bloat without losing overall body fat.

To understand how you gain and lose belly fat, start here.

For those who’re ready for the ultimate workout list, scroll down below.


These exercises aren’t categorized as specific workout routines as those are made in accordance with different goals and body types.

We’ll only be mentioning exercises that have proved themselves effective in reducing overall body weight, which in turn helps burn belly fat.

Incorporate them in a specific regimen designed around your needs and follow them religiously.

Exercises/Workouts to Lose Belly Fat:

Abdominal Crunches

Abdominal Crunches

Abdominal crunches tend to chisel your stomach, but it doesn’t necessarily burn the fat that’s inside. At least, not specifically.

Abdominal crunches are effective exercises for fat in general, which makes them effective exercises for belly fat as well.

The real help they provide is in making the belly appear toned and flatter. You’ll be strengthening the muscles inside while burning a hefty number of calories and eat less calories in daily diet.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

Almost all types of crunches burn roughly the same number of calories.

An average person is estimated to perform 20-30 crunches that can burn 3-6 calories. This is subject to the person’s weight and intensity of the workout.

For a 15-minute workout, you can imagine burning about 107 calories, 214 calories for 30 minutes, and so on.

Bicycle Crunches

bicycle crunches

One of the staple workouts for weight loss routines, bicycle crunches are rightly deemed one of the most effective exercises to lose weight.

More than that, it can target the abdominal area and flatten your stomach just like other abdominal crunches.

It’s imperative that you keep the right form (preferably supervised by an expert) when engaging in bicycle crunches.

Experts say that as effective as this exercise is, it’s just as common for people to do it wrong.

Don’t twist from the neck, keep your hips stable when extending legs, and extend your legs out a little higher than your hips.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

An average person is estimated to perform 20-30 crunches that can burn 3-6 calories. This is subject to the person’s weight and intensity of the workout.

Reverse Crunches

Reverse Crunches

Most fitness experts will probably tell you that reverse crunches are many times more effective than traditional ones.

They argue that reverse crunches don’t put unnecessary pressure on our spine. Moreover, they can help you get a shredded core with increased muscle endurance.

Compared to other exercises, not only are reverse crunches effective, but they’re also easier to do right.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

An average person is estimated to perform 20-30 crunches that can burn 3-6 calories. This is subject to the person’s weight and intensity of the workout.



Although almost everyone knows what planks are, most of us still don’t know how to do it right.

Experts point out all the wrong ways to do a plank. And considering how effective this exercise is in toning your whole body, you don’t want to do it wrong.

This isometric exercise demands that you retain your form and posture for as long as possible.

Since there’s no other movement involved, that’s all you have to work on.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

Planks can easily burn 2-5 calories in a minute depending upon the person’s weight, prior and post-plank exercises and workout routines.

Side Planks

Side Plank

A variation to planks, side planks are rumored to be tough, but nonetheless, effective and essential.

By working the quadratus lumborum (the muscle that stabilizes the spine), you’re preventing chances of sustaining back injuries.

Since they don’t put pressure on your lower back, they are recommended for people who prefer the alternative.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

Planks can easily burn 2-5 calories in a minute depending upon the person’s weight, prior and post-plank exercises and workout routines.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jack

Aerobic exercises are mostly included in our routines as children, and for good reason.

Jumping jacks are a simple exercise to burn belly fat, regardless of where you are.

Like all aerobic exercises, you can accelerate your calorie burning by incorporating this into your HIIT routine.

You can do this by completing a high number of jumping jacks at a slow pace, or a low number of the exercise at a fast pace.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

A person who weighs around 120 pounds can lose up to 8 calories per minute. Whereas, a 240-pound person can burn double the amount for the same duration.



Burpees are also excellent additions for your regimen comprising exercises to lose belly fat.

While it helps to reduce blood pressure in healthy adults, they are best performed in high intensity, such as an HIIT routine.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

Doing burpees for a minute can help you burn 8-12 calories per minute. In a 30-minute workout, you can burn almost 240-400 calories.


Push ups

Push-ups are the staple to aerobic workouts. Unfortunately, there’s a huge number of people who do it wrong.

Common mistakes like not getting down enough, not placing your hands in the right place, touching the ground, etc. are seen everywhere.

This is something that can happen to regular gym-goers as well. It’s easy to lose your form, especially when you’re rushing through exercises.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

Doing Push-ups for a minute can help you burn 7 calories per minute. In a 30-minute workout, you can burn almost 210 calories.

Jump Squats

Jump Squats

Jump squats are an improved variation of the classic squat.

The addition of a jump involves more muscles, and therefore, is a better exercise.

A good cardio workout, jump squats can also strengthen your calves and quads.

They are also known to help in reducing hypertension and heart disease symptoms while improving overall blood circulation.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

For a person who weighs around 140 pounds, a minute of jump squats can burn almost 9 calories.

High Knees

High Knees

High knees are a great at-home exercise that can serve as a great warm-up when coupled with intense workouts.

High knees differ from running in place because as the name suggests, your knees go significantly higher than they do when running.

A prevalent alternative to the risks of injuries that jump squats accompany, high knees are safer and just as effective.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

Intense high knee workout sessions lasting for a minute can burn about 8 calories in total.



Lunges are great when done in the gym. However, you can take a chair and do them at home too.

With a number of other benefits associated with improved health, lunges primarily strengthen the buttocks and legs.

Comprising an effective lower body workout, these are incredibly efficient in getting the ideal shape while strengthening your spine.

Your core stabilizes itself the longer it stays in the right position during a lunge. Similarly, your abdominal muscles flatten out and appear more toned.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

Lunges can burn anywhere from 5-7 calories in a minute.

Chest Dips

Chest Dips

Chest dips can seem difficult for beginners but for whoever it’s possible, it’s recommended.

Great stimulators for the pectorals and the triceps, chest dips are unparalleled in terms of strength and muscle endurance training.

While they’re actually famous for building muscle, chest dips do so by burning a lot of fat and calories.

Incorporating chest dips in your regimen will help you where push-ups and even bench-presses fail when it comes to getting your pectoral muscles in shape.

Number of Calories Burnt Per Minute:

As per an estimate, a person can burn around 16 calories in a minute of doing chest dips. However, it’s a difficult exercise and shouldn’t be done without caution.

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